Posts tagged Castings Trilogy

Full Circle by Pamela Freeman

Saker’s ghost army is sweeping across the Eleven Domains, intent upon killing all of Acton’s people and reclaiming the Domains for those of the “old” blood.  Ever the schemer, Thegan manipulates the situation in order to achieve his own goals.  All is not lost, however.  Bramble and Ash raise a ghost of their own:  Acton.

What a fantastic conclusion to the Castings Trilogy!  The tension builds as Thegan makes things much much worse, mistreated Travelers join Saker, Bramble and Ash reunite only to separate again, the gods panic, and Saker senses something lurking about his ghostly army.  I love the way Freeman brings everything together, and I particularly love how she incorporates the individual stories into the greater story.  As I mentioned in my review of Deep Water, Freeman avoids simple good/evil characterizations.  With the exception of Thegan and Alder, we’re given some insight into why characters have developed a certain way.  I like this.  As much as I enjoy the more typical good/evil stories, I appreciate that Freeman has chosen to focus on the long-lasting damage caused by racism, hatred and anger.  More than that, she reminds us that the past cannot be changed but  it is within our power to forge a better future.  LOVE this trilogy!!!

Dare I hope that Freeman is creating a follow-up series?  Ember and Ash was published this May and not only is it set in the same world but it features one of my favorite characters from The Castings Trilogy!

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Deep Water by Pamela Freeman

The Eleven Domains is a land haunted by its past—literally.  Ghosts are everywhere although most people only see them on the day of their Quickening.  That is changing—Saker is raising ghosts from the distant past and giving them substance—as well as purpose.

Having come together at the end of Blood Ties, Bramble and Ash now part ways—Bramble to look for Acton’s burial place and Ash to learn the secret songs.  If the Well of Secrets is correct, both are needed if Saker is to be stopped.

I cannot put these books down!  The characters are intriguing and I love that we are given multiple points of view throughout the story.  Not only is it interesting to have glimpses of each character’s perspective, it also reinforces the idea that people are much more complicated than “good” or “bad”.

My favorite characters so far are Bramble and Ash.  Bramble is free spirited but caring, sensible and strong.  Ash feels separated from others because of his lack of any marketable skill other than as a protector—but he wants to belong.  His desire to belong has led him to the brink of taking the wrong path more than once but his innate goodness usually pulls him back.

Freeman throws us a twist in this second installment of the trilogy and I loved it!  I’m forcing myself to wait until the weekend to begin Full Circle because otherwise I will spend the whole night reading and won’t be at my best for work tomorrow.

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Blood Ties by Pamela Freeman

Saker is an enchanter driven by a painful past.  Bramble is a free spirit gifted with a strong connection to horses.  Ash is the son of Travelers, longing for a place to call home.  All three are of the old blood, among the last of their kind. As their stories unfold, along with the stories of those whose lives they touch, it becomes clear that their fates are connected to each other as well as to the fate of the Domains.

I loved this book!  The history of the Domains propels the story:  one thousand years ago, Acton and his people invaded the land, massacring most of the native peoples.  Those who survived were forced onto the road as Travelers while Acton’s people claimed their homes.  Many Travelers became roaming entertainers of sorts:  jugglers, tumblers, musicians, singers.  Regardless of talent, however, the dark-haired, dark-eyed Travelers are viewed with prejudice and hostility by the fair-haired, light-eyed invaders.

Today, each of the Domains is ruled by an independent Warlord.  The Warlords tend to be callous towards their own people; towards the Travelers they tend to be cruel.  While one Warlord seeks to extend his rule, one Traveler seeks to remove the invaders from the land forever.

The Eleven Domains with its sacred places, various types of sprites, and restless ghosts is an intriguing setting and well-worth a visit!

For more information about The Castings Trilogy, please visit  For more information about the author, please visit .

Now reading the next book in the series, Deep Water !

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